The Pre-Surgey Appointemt

Appointment #1

Doc J (the podiatrist): “So about running…”
Me: “Is my marathon career one and done?”
Doc J: “Yeah. I would be happy if you would stick to 5Ks. Actually, I’d be really happy if you would stick to swimming.”
Me “…*disgusted face*”
Doc J: “I would be fine if you never played soccer again.”
Me: “…I wouldn’t be.”

This was the moment I realized that there wasn’t going to be a simple, easy fix for my foot. I’ve never had a doctor tell me I shouldn’t do something for the rest of my life. Sure, running another marathon isn’t at the top of my Let’s Do That Again! list, but I had been toying with the idea to join my friend Jen for the Honolulu Marathon in December because if I’m going to run another 26.2 I want to be able to cross the finish line and then head straight to the beach to recover while sipping a Mai Tai. Having someone say I can’t do it sort of makes me want to try. Yeah, I’m that kind of person.

Joey drinking a Mai Tai in's loosely related to this story...
Joey drinking a Mai Tai in Hawaii…it’s loosely related to this story…

After x-ray confirmation of the injury, Doc J gave me two options:

1- treat it conservatively with rest, ice, supportive shoes, and a blast of NSAIDs

2- surgically insert a screw across the joint to hold it in place

Option 1 was basically what I had been doing for the past year, minus the blast of NSAIDs, which would be an attempt to get it to calm down after I had angered it by trying to play soccer. There was a small discussion about corticosteroids to reduce the inflammation if the NSAIDs didn’t work, but I’ve been on those bastards many a time for terrible colds and pneumonia and I try to stay as far away as possible from them. Option 1 would also never be a solution to the problem since it wouldn’t fix the ligament, it would just try to make living with the pain more manageable.

Choosing to have surgery when death isn’t imminent is not an easy choice to make, but after a year of constant pain and not being able to participate in the activities that bring me joy, I had a feeling it would have to happen. And let us not forget that I am currently studying for a profession that routinely involves 12 shifts on one’s feet while caring for others. One of my goals in nursing is to work in critical care, I can’t be limping around while my patient is coding.

Doc J: “You’re in nursing school? Then I’m going to treat you like a nurse.”
Me: “Does that mean you think I’m stubborn?”
Doc J: “Exactly.”

But I was still a bit hesitant, I hadn’t gotten my mind wrapped around it all. One of the things I like about Doc J is that he’s straight forward and won’t sugar coat anything (but in a nice way, not a rude asshole way), and he put it something like this, “if you spent all day at a desk and the rest of the time on the couch, you could probably deal with option 1, but you’re young (he says this a lot, I’m not sure he fully realizes that I’m almost 30) and if you want to lead the active lifestyle that makes you happy, you’re going to need this surgery”.

Picture of my active lifestlye- running Hood to Coast
Picture of my active lifestyle, aka running Hood to Coast

Next came the logistics. The schedule in an accelerated nursing program doesn’t have a lot of downtime when you can be on crutches. The only feasible time in the next 9 months would be in May during the one week break between spring and summer semesters.  The plan in the mean time was for me to try option 1 to see if I could at least get the foot to calm down a little and discuss with the school if surgery between semesters would even be a possibility.

There’s something relieving about just having a plan, even if that plan involves having a piece of hardware inserted into your bone. It was nice to at least have an answer to why my foot was still hurting and to have a doctor who 1- believed me when I said I was in pain and 2- wanted to do something to fix the problem. When he was walking out of the exam room one of the nurses was walking in. As he rounded the corner he yelled to her, “treat her like a nurse!”.

It’s nice having a doctor who gets you.

Life, The Universe, Lisfranc, and Everything

Once upon a time, this was a running blog and one very hot day in October of 2012 I ran a marathon.


As someone who hated any running that didn’t happen in a soccer game for most of their life, this was a pretty big accomplishment. The marathon itself didn’t really go as planned (see knee pain starting at mile 6 and throwing up at the finish line in the last post) but thanks to some super awesome people (friends, family, and Team in Training teammates) I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Afterwards I took a few weeks off to evaluate the knee situation and decide what I wanted to do next. After a few weeks away from the team I realized how much I missed spending my Saturday mornings with them and, though a little apprehensive about my physical health, I signed up for the 2013 Eugene Marathon with the Team.


My knee was still cranky and my body wasn’t loving running as the weather started to get colder, but my heart was happy being surrounded by the amazing people who are part of TnT. There’s something magical about being involved with the Team, though it’s hard to explain to those who haven’t gotten the chance to experience it. My second to last run with the Team before getting injured (foreshadowing) was 3 days after my grandmother, the woman I owe all of my athletic ability, mental toughness, nursing skills, and stubbornness to, passed away. I don’t remember a lot from that evening, mostly just running around the Duniway track in that dark with tears streaming down my face while captain Mike silently ran next to me, but it’s a memory that I hold in my heart to this day. It seems like a small thing when describing it, but thinking about it still brings me to tears.

Four days later this happened.


I was playing soccer, like I did most weekend, with my beer team that had a soccer problem. I had the ball and went to take on a another player when we got tangled up. At some point the ref blew his whistle to call a foul on the the guy, at which point I tried to stop playing, but they guy didn’t right away. Somewhere in that mess the guy stepped on the mid-foot section of my left foot as I was pushing off of it. It hurt immediately, but being the stubborn lady that I am, I tried to take a few steps to walk it off, because seriously, who gets hurt by getting stepped on during a soccer game? Getting stepped on happens about every 30 seconds every game. After taking a few steps  the pain got worse, so I hobbled off the field while my teammates gave me a puzzled look and I just shrugged my shoulders.

I think at this point it would be fun to mention that at one point in my soccer career in Portland I was playing on 5 teams at one time. When I first started playing, my friends and family would come watch my games all the time. But when you’re playing 5 games a week, the number of games that people come to dwindles quickly. This game, however, was the one game I convinced my mom, her boyfriend Kraig, her roommate Pam, and my friend Kelley to come spectate. They got to see me play for all of about 8 minutes. My bad.

Back to the game. I got to the bench, took my shoe and sock off, didn’t see any visible injury, so I decided I was being a wimp about it and could just run it off. I waited until halftime to go back into the game. I lasted, at most, 30 seconds. It hurt fairly bad when running, but then I tried to pivot on it, and then it was game over. With the help of my mom, Kraig, and Pam I hobbled home, hoping that it would magically fix itself over night.

Spoiler alert, it didn’t.

Then started the most frustrating experience with the medical field that I have ever had.

I had a few hydrocodone pills left over from the time I got my appendix out, so I took one that night to help me sleep. It did nothing. I (gingerly) tossed and turned all night because of the pain, waiting until a reasonable hour to call my mom to have her take my to urgent care. At this point, I couldn’t put any weight on my foot. However, when I’m in a lot of pain, I don’t act like I’m in a lot of pain. The first time I broke my collarbone (yeah that happened playing soccer too…) and it was making a nice a-frame shape because it was in multiple pieces, I had stopped crying by the time I had walked off the field, which was maybe 2 minutes after it happened. I then sat in the ER making every person who walked in the room hit the button on the signing bass that was mounted on the wall. I am easily entertained. The nurses told my mom that when they had big tough guys come in with the same injury they would spend the whole time screaming. The second time I broke my collarbone (same side, same place while carrying a rowing boat down to the water my freshman year of college), it took me 2 months to go see a doctor, during which I ran, rowed, lifted weights, did push ups, and most painful of all, did bear crawls, because the athletic trainer said it was just a bruise, and who sees a doctor about a bruise? Not this stubborn girl.

So my mom and I go to urgent care, where I proceed to crack a lot of (slightly inappropriate) jokes. It becomes pretty obvious that the PA does not believe that I’m in a lot of pain. She orders an x-ray, which comes back negative, then says I can walk on it and wants to send me on my way, with an offhand, “you might want to follow up with an orthopedist, but I don’t think it’s broken”. I had to point out to her that, as I said before, it was too painful to walk on. She finally got me some crutches.

I didn’t have insurance at that point so I hobbled around on crutches and then in a walking boot hoping that if I rested it for a bit, it would heal. The boot, which I affectionately named Das Boot, came on many an adventure with me.

He went to pilates


To Hawaii


To the top of Mauna Kea at 13,796 ft


To Curling for a Cure


To a TnT aid station


And many other not pictured places. After a few months of denial, I finally scheduled an appointment at a highly recommended orthopedic office in Portland. The first PA that I saw thought it was a Lisfranc ligament tear and ordered non-weight bearing x-rays and a MRI. The x-ray, not surprisingly, came back negative. The PA was so sure that the MRI would show a Lisfranc tear that he wouldn’t even discuss any other possibilities when I asked about them. Turns out, a MRI is not the gold standard when diagnosing a Lisfranc tear, especially 3 months after the initial injury. So when the MRI came back negative, the PA just sort of shrugged his shoulders and sent me to see a different doctor in the office.

I trusted this guy a little bit more than the PA, not because of the educational difference, but because this doc had read the MRI results to me without having read my file and asked me if I was a runner or a soccer player. He nailed that one. He thought he saw some arthritis in the area where I was having pain, assumed that I had chipped a piece of bone off when I first injured it, gave me a steroid shot to help with the inflammation, told me to wear supportive shoes, and that the pain should go away in a little while. While the pain did get better, it never fully went away. After a few more frustrating appointment, I decided it wasn’t worth my money to cry after every time I went to that office. But as long as I didn’t do anything too crazy, my foot was ok and that was what I could deal with at that time.

I then packed up my stuff and spent the summer in San Francisco taking care of my fabulous little niece.


The night before I left for SF, I played soccer for the first time since the injury. I had started running again and had made it up to a mile, which was the point at which the ortho said I could try soccer again. I lasted into the second half (which was a miracle just given my lack of fitness, but we had no subs) when, for some unknown and very stupid reason, I tried to cut to my left with the ball and push off of my left foot. HUGE MISTAKE. I knew immediately I was done and just walked off the field. Then my team scored 3 goals while playing a man down and won 4-0, so clearly they didn’t need me in the first place.

The foot got pretty swollen after the game, and then even more swollen the next day after flying down to California, but I was quite busy with the little munchkin, so I just tried to rest it and ice it as much could so it would calm down. I spent the summer taking the babe on walks through SF, up and down all of the hills, and though it hurt, I was used to it hurting at this point, and didn’t think too much of it.


At the end of the summer I went back to Portland for a few days, and then headed out to Nebraska to start nursing school. (Holy shit, big life change) Not just any nursing program, but an accelerated BSN program that is crazier and busier than I could have ever imagined. We started clinical a month into the program, and though my foot hurt even with wearing my Danskos, I didn’t have the time or energy to do much about it. And I could still function, which was the most important part.


On a Friday afternoon at beginning of spring semester some classmates got together to kick a soccer ball around at the gym. I was pumped to run around with them even though my foot hurt the moment I started running. I ignored the pain and had a blast with my classmates (seriously, I have the best and most amusing classmates ever). Afterwards it was pretty sore, so I went home to ice it, and then it proceeded to swell up. By Saturday morning I couldn’t put much weight on it and contemplated going to urgent care but figured they would just refer me to an orthopedist anyway so I might as well just wait until the student health center opened on Monday. On Sunday the foot was feeling a bit better thanks to some ice and probably more ibuprofen than my kidneys appreciated. Student health referred me to a podiatrist, whom I chose solely based off of location. Turns out, that was the best decision I ever made.

When I explained the story (in a much shorter version than this) to the podiatrist, he immediately went to a Lisfranc injury. We discussed the previous MRI, how it was a waste of time and money, and he ordered a weight bearing x-ray, which is what the ortho PA should have done in the first place. He came up with this:


The pen is pointing to separation of the joint that shouldn’t happen but did when I put weight on my foot. Besides icing, NSAIDs, and supportive shoes, there’s not much that can be done for a Lisfranc injury besides surgery. So 4 months later (I had a tight schedule with nursing school and clinical), I had this done:


That was 30 days ago. Summer semester started 20 days ago. To say it has been a long 20 days would be a slight understatement. I’m exhausted. My first week back at school I did 2 12 hour clinical days in the ICU on crutches. I think I was more tired after the second day than after I ran that marathon. Luckily my school has some very understanding faculty and my podiatrist is the best doctor I have ever had, so somehow this crazy plan has worked.

So that’s where I’m at now. I’m not really sure what sparked me to write out this (incredibly long, sorry about that) story, but I want to share my Lisfranc journey so that others going through it know they aren’t alone. I’ve just started the process of weaning out of the walking boot and can already tell that it’s going to be a frustrating endeavor. I probably won’t be running any time soon, so this really isn’t a running blog anymore, but maybe you’ll learn something about Lisfranc if you stick around. (Side note- the joint is named for Jacques Lisfranc de St. Martin, who was a surgeon in Napoleon’s army. See you learned something already!)

The Portland Marathon Race Recap

Settle in kids, this is going to be long. Really long.

The morning kicked off very early with the Team gathering at 5:45 downtown at a hotel a few blocked from the race. There were was a lot of pre-race jitters and excitement, as well as a lot of picture taking.



At 6:30am we headed over to the start and headed our separate ways to our individual corrals. I was in corral F without any other TnTers so I was on my own. I bag checked a giant bag of clothing which I had planned on wearing at the start of the race and chucking once I got warm but it was warmer than I though it was going to be so I only wore some arm warmers and gloves. After that I got into the giant port-o-potty line. At 6:59 the announcer started talking and everyone ran to the front of the corral and suddenly the bathroom line was much shorter. The thing is, our corral wasn’t released for another 10 minutes so even though I stayed in the line and used the bathroom, I still caught up with my corral before they were anywhere close to the start line.

As I was standing the bathroom line I started chatting with a woman named Angela, who was also doing her first marathon. We compared training runs, exchanged stories, and basically kept talking to keep our minds off being nervous. We caught up with each other again as our corral starting moving towards the start line and as we crossed the start line we fell into a rhythm, chatting, taking in all the sights, and sharing our excitement about just how awesome it was.

The first few miles passed quickly, chatting with Angela made the time fly by and also ensured that I didn’t go out too fast because if I found myself unable to get a sentence out without huffing and puffing then I needed to reel it in a bit. Angela and I made our way down Natio Parkway and then headed onto Barbur Blvd. when I got a text from my mom.


I missed her in the first mile and then in her silly mom brain she figured that I had been kidnapped. You know, kidnapped in a crowd of 12,000ish runners while I was wearing one of the brightest, hardest to miss outfits. I let her know that I was still alive and that I would find her on my way back though downtown.

Side note for decorating your marathon outfit-be sure to write your name in large visible letters on the front of your shirt so that spectators can cheer for you by name. It’s surprising how much of a boost you get from it. Between the ‘go Maddy’ and ‘go team’ cheers I felt like I had thousands of friends along the race course. Angela was curious about all the ‘go team’ cheers so we talked about Team in Training for a bit and she loved all the enthusiasm.

Around mile 4 I saw my mom and gave her a big hug. She was excited to confirm that I had indeed not been kidnapped. Angela and I continued on along Natio and around mile 7 I saw my favorite running buddy Kelley, and our friends and teammates for last season Jaime and Ken.



I high fived Ken and nearly tackled Kelley when I hugged her. Kelley’s been so supportive and wonderful and getting to see her during the marathon meant so much to me, especially since she had surgery just 9 days before. Thank you so much Kelley! And thanks Ken and Jaime for taking care of her!

Around mile 8 I saw captain Laura. I started to have some knee pain at mile 6 so Laura gave me some Biofreeze to put on it. Unfortunately not soon after that it started to get pretty painful and I kept having to stop to stretch out my quad so I sent Angela on her way with the hope to be able to catch up with her later. While I would have liked to have been able to have spent the whole race with Angela I’m still so happy I got to spend the first 8 miles with her! Thanks for running with me Angela!

I ran through the Team in Training aid station right before the turn around and it was great to see so many familiar faces, thanks to everyone who volunteered! Soon after I hit the turn around on Front Ave. and was running straight into the sun. How the heck was it that sunny in Portland in October?! I continued on trying to get my knee to relax and focus on everything around me. There was some amazing musical entertainment along the course; a mariachi band, a drum line, a marching band playing Abba, and a group of pirates.


Welcome to Portland.

Things started to go downhill at this point. I became frustrated with my knee since I was only able to run more than a few minutes without having to stop. I saw captain Mike just before the full and half marathon courses split, mile 10.5ish. He put some more Biofreeze gel on my knee and gave me a hug as I shed a few frustrated tears and sent me on my way.

The course wove it’s way through Northwest Portland and around my 12 I saw my mom and Kraig again. I scared the crap out of my mom because I ran up to her crying, hugged her, told her my knee hurt, and then ran off. Sorry mom!

The course continued out Highway 30 and I was thankful for having run Hood to Coast in August which got me used to running alongside high speed traffic. I was still struggling with the frustration of not being able to settle into a comfortable running place. Every time I wold have to stop running I’d have to hold back tears. At mile 14 my TnT and HTC teammate Debi ran a few strides with me and I was so thankful for the distraction!


I continued north on Hwy. 30 and kept looking for the St. Johns bridge in the distance.


As I started up the long hill to St. Johns Bridge captain Laura was on her way down to find me. I was a bit of a mess at this point, so frustrated about the way the race was going and still facing 10 miles more of knee pain. Laura reminded me about why we were out there, for all the people who couldn’t be out there, and about the cancer patients we’re run for. I reflected on the last two years with Astraea, her journey through chemo, and how just a month ago she had her last chemo appointment. We made it to the beginning of the bridge and she sent me on my away.


I’ve been over the St. Johns Bridge a few time but I never paid attention to how hilly it is.



About halfway across the bridge my teammate Bling caught up with me and we compared our injuries, my knee and his big toe cramps. After a little while he went ahead and the course turned off the bridge and into North Portland. There was a sharp right turn that had a very steep downhill for a block and then a steep up hill for a block. The downhill was the worst and my knee was very upset with it. The course then settled onto Willamette Blvd and made it’s way through some neighborhoods with families out in their yards cheering. I caught back up with Bling around mile 18.5ish and he stuck with me when I needed to run or when I needed to walk. He got me out of my frustrated funk and I was able to stop crying and start laughing.

Around mile 19.5 Bling’s friend and TnT Tri coach joined us for a mile or so. It was a great distraction.


Bling at mile 20, don’t mind my finger in the photo, I wasn’t at my best. Also, at some point I got chocolate Gu all over my phone and it was really sticky, that’s my excuse. Around mile 21 when I needed to stop and stretch I told Bling to continue on since it seemed like he needed to keep moving. He gave me a big bear hug, seriously, he’s very tall and the top of my hear only comes up to his mid chest, and he went on his way. I kept him in my sights for awhile with the thought I might be able to catch up with him again but my knee wouldn’t let me run long enough to do that.

As I came upon the Team in Training aid station at mile 22 I was excited to see more familiar faces. As I ran through it coach Heidi asked me if I wanted her to run with me. My response, ‘PLEASE RUN WITH ME!’. At that point in the marathon some people don’t want anyone to talk to them but I needed the distraction. Coach Heidi ran alongside me and told me ‘when you want to run, we run, when you need to walk, we walk, just let me know’. We stared down the giant hill on Greely Ave. which is annoying long, steep and painful. We walked the whole way down which was frustrating but Heidi kept me distracted and moving forwarded as we talked about running, Hood to Coast, having kids, and all things in between.

The miles started to tick by. Somewhere along mile 23 we passed Widmer Brewery and there were some people outside with a ‘beer station’, which sounds great in theory but the smell of warm beer that had been spilled on the ground made me want to puke.

We continued up and over the Broadway Bridge, and the down off the bridge which was especially painful. When the road finally flattened out I could see the 25 mile marked and that’s when I started making distance deals. The first was to run to the mile marker. The next was to run a block and then walk a block, which was all my knee could take. I would tell Heidi my plan and she would be right there beside me. She kept talking to me and kept me laughing instead of crying. We made our way through Chinatown and out of nowhere popped out Gina to run with us, even in her jeans and Uggs in the blazing heat. We turned onto Natio Parway once again and sometimes we ran 2 blocks and then walked a block, sometimes we ran one.

Right before the turn onto Salmon St. I saw my mom, Kraig, Jen, and Jenny cheering me on. All I could do was wave since I just had to keep moving forward. Coach Wendy and Mike were there as well and they started running with me too.


Yes, if you were wondering, Heidi and I got many comments on our sparkly skirts, they were a big hit.

Normally they don’t let anyone into the final chute if they don’t have a bib on but Heidi, Wendy, and Mike decided to ignore that since it was so late in the race and stayed with as we made the turn into Salmon. Right before the turn I asked them how close the finish was and they told me 2 blocks up and one block over, and I decided that once we made the turn onto Salmon there would be no more walking. I wanted to finish as strong as I could so I started to pick it up and Mike commented on it and I made a joke about throwing up, which came back to bite me in the ass. I saw my wonderful roommates Jenni and Ryan cheering me on and Jenni made a fabulous sign which I couldn’t fully read as I was running but enjoyed reading it later.

We made the final turn onto 3rd Ave. where Sam was, I waved to him and then made it across the finish line with my Heidi, Wendy, and Mike surrounding me and I couldn’t have been happier. Then just as Mike went to hug me from my left side I had to turn to my right and throw up. Yep, that’s right, I literally threw up at the finish. Heidi made sure that people gave me some space while Mike and Wendy found me some water and after a few moments I regained my composure enough to stumble over to medical tent to get some ice for my knee. I gave Heidi, Wendy, and Mike hugs and they headed back to the Team in Training tent.

After getting some ice taped to my knee I then slowly stumbled my way through the finishers chute where I got a bunch of stuff handed to me, a medal, a shirt, a rose, a coin, a pendent, a space blanket and a tree sapling, but not a bag, which would have been helpful. I chugged some chocolate milk, got my picture take with my arms full of stuff and then slowly made my way to the Team in Training tent to check out and find my friends and family. Pictures were taken, stories were exchanged, I got to finally sit down and take it all in.


Jenni’s awesome sign.






Since this is getting ridiculously long I will leave off here but I can’t thank everyone enough. All the people who came to cheer, everyone who donated to my fundraising, each person who listened to me complain about how tired I was during training, you mean so much to me, more than I can ever express.

In terms of the actual race, no, I didn’t have the race I planned to or thought I was going to have. It took me an hour and fifteen minutes longer than my goal but looking back on it, I wouldn’t change it. I fought through it, I didn’t quit, I got to experience more love and support from my friends, family, and teammates than I thought was possible. The memories that stick out the most for me are the miles when I was running with someone. From the first few miles with my new friend Angela, to running with and laughing with Bling, to the last 4 miles with Heidi when there was a lot more walking than running, to running the finishers chute surrounded by so much Team in Training love, I wouldn’t change any of it.




Damn it, now I’m crying again.

The Night Before The Marathon

Five months ago this happened


I signed up for my first full marathon. I was pretty excited, in fact I was down right giddy about it. After two half marathons I was ready to push myself harder and farther than I ever had before and of course I signed up with Team in Training because cancer sucks and I want to do everything I can to help fight for a cure. The last 5 months have been filled with early mornings, long miles, and more fun than I could have imagined. I can’t thank everyone involved in TnT enough for helping me through this journey, our wonderful coaches Heidi and Wendy, our amazing captains Laura and Mike, my wonderful mentor Skye, and all the other mentors who cheered us on. Even last season’s teammates have helped, they’ve been aid station volunteers and have come to fundraising events, coach Mike still let’s me come to him for advice. It’s true, once you’re part of the Team you’re always part of the Team.

I also could not have done it without everyone who donated to my fundraising. Whether it was $5 or $100, every dollar makes a difference in the search for a cure, towards helping a patient with a co-pay, in providing support and information to a newly diagnosed patient. My kiddo just finished over two years of treatment while another friend is half way through her treatment. We all have a connection to cancer and those connections are only going to grow as time goes on. We must do all that we can to fight.

So tomorrow I’m heading out on a 26.2 mile jaunt around Portland in honor of Astraea and Karly, and for every cancer patient, past, present and future. My one goal is to cross the finish line smiling.


The Taper Crazies

4 days until the Portland Marathon! And it can’t get here soon enough. This whole tapering this is ridiculous. (For the non-runners out there, tapering is when you reduce your mileage in the weeks before the race so that your body can rest and repair itself for the big day.) In theory tapering is great, after spending so much time running endless amounts of miles it’s nice to get some type of break, but there’s also a dark side to tapering. Your body has a chance to slow down enough to find all the places that hurt, your brain suddenly has much more energy than it’s had in months and it goes into overdrive, mostly dwelling on every twinge or pain that your body feels. There’s also the extra free time that you don’t know what to do with and then all of a sudden everything you own is covered in puffy paint.


At least I will be hard to miss on race day.

So now it’s Wednesday and it can’t be Sunday soon enough, I just don’t have 4 days of puffy paint restraint in me.

Hide your stuff, you’ve been warned.

Weekly Recap Episode 7

Tuesday is the new Monday, that’s all I have to say about it. On with it.

Monday: Waterfront run with some of my Hood to Coat teammates.

I love this time of year in Portland.

Tuesday: Wasn’t feeling well so no soccer.

Wednesday: Track night, good old Yasso 800s. So much fun…

Thursday: Planned rest day.

Friday/Saturday: Hood to Coast! 16ish miles. I’m going to do a separate recap of HTC since it was amazing and it deserves it.

Overall: A little bit lower mileage than the last few weeks but a lot of those miles came on very little sleep. And now I’m sick, so I think this week will be a lower mileage week too. Meh, it happens.

40 days until the Portland Marathon!

Holy crap, only 40 days…

Weekly Recap: Episode 6

As always, a little late but here it is.

Monday: Met up with some of my Hoot to Coast teammates for a run around the east side. It was hot and sweaty and we got blocked from our cars by a train at the end but it felt nice to push the pace after feeling so very slow for the last few months.

Tuesday: no soccer due to sore and tired knees.

Wednesday: track night got canceled and it was just too hot to go do anything.

Thursday: an early morning (but still really warm out) run around the waterfront which led to these two lovely photos.

So sweaty.

Friday: Planned rest day.

Saturday: What was a plan for 18 turned out the be 20 miles. By far a personal distance record with me. My friend Gina. who was down to help me with Cupcakes for a Cure, wanted to run 6-8 miles with me but at 8 miles she still felt good and decided to keep running. By 15 miles I think she wanted to die. But she kept running and did the whole 20, because she’s crazy.

Overall: second 30 mile week in a row and I’m feeling it. But at the end of the 20 miler I felt like I could run another 6, the marathon is finally feeling doable!

46 days until the Portland Marathon!

It’s Almost Cupcake Time!

Tomorrow is Cupcakes and Ice Cream for a Cure!

It’s a great way too cool off from the crazy heat in Portland. So come swing by, say hi, get the chance to win some awesome raffle prizes and eat some delicious treats!
For those friends who live somewhere besides Portland you can still enter to win the raffle prizes! Just donate (click to donate button at the top of this page) and let me know which items you want your tickets to go to.
Raffle tickets are 1 for $5 and 3 for$10.

Hope to see your smiling faces tomorrow! Oh, and I may make you carry me around since I’ll be running 18 miles in the morning.

Weekly Recap: Episodes 4 & 5

You get a special 2 for 1 deal today! Which, in this case, means I forgot to do a Weekly Recap episode last week. But it’s all about how you package something, right? Anyway, let’s get right to it.

Episode 4

Monday: Lunchtime pilates made me happy, it had a nice view.

That was followed by a sweaty evening 4.5 miles. Just another run, nothing special about it.

Tuesday: My knees were sore from the crazy 14.5 miles of hill insanity I did a few days before so I took an unscheduled rest day.

Wednesday: See Tuesday.

Thursday: There was a getting up early fail so I kept it short before my shift in the ER.

Friday: Got my long run in since I was out of town for the weekend, ran circles around the waterfront, unfortunately had an emergency stop at a port-o-potty downtown, I hope that never happens again.

Saturday: Danced to the point that my knees hurt, beer will do that to you.

Overall: It was a long week after the 14.5 miles kicked my ass and I was very tired. The achy knees made me feel like an 80 year old woman.

Episode 5

Monday: 5 miles up and down Terwilliger with my Hood to Coast teammates! I love running with people. We then went to Suki’s for a beer and almost won trivia, but we all got tired and left before it was over even though we were in the lead. What? We’re runners, when we get tired we get cranky.

Tuesday: Bigfoot futsal. We lost, I don’t want to talk about it. *Pouty face*

Wednesday: Was too lazy to drive back to the west side for track night so I ran over to a high school near my house, did 4X400 and then ran home. At track night they did an insane pyramid workout, I think I made a good life choice.

Thursday: Finally got my butt up early and ran around the waterfront in the wee hours of the morning. Had another unfortunate experience with a bathroom under the Hawthorne bridge, but at least it had clean toilet paper. It’s the little things people.

Friday: Planned rest day.

Saturday: Personal distance record! 16.5 miles (the .5 is thanks to a wrong turn).

It was a beautiful route along the Willamette in Lake Oswego and West Linn with less hills than the 14 miler but still enough hills to be pretty challenging.

Overall: Having the 16 miler go so well gave me back some much needed confidence that the 14 miler took away, and after an ice bath and some additional knee icing, my legs didn’t hurt at all on Sunday. That’s considered a success in my book!

Don’t forget about Cupcakes and Ice Cream to Cure Cancer this Saturday and the awesome raffle prizes!

Raffle Prizes at Cupcakes and Ice Cream

Here are the deets on all the great raffle prizes and handmade crafts that will be available at Cupcakes and Ice Cream for cancer! There will be 3 gift baskets.

Wine and chocolate
A different version of wine and chocolate
I call this the Man Basket. Mmm, beer.

There will also be 3 desserts that will be raffled off, a Chocolate Lined Banana Cream, a Raspberry Chocolate Mousse Pie, and a Berry Cobbler. I don’t have pictures because they are being made by my awesome roommate Jenni fresh this week. Having been the happy recipient of many of her pies I can assure that they are going to be amazingly delicious.

For purchase there will be Healing Hats and Horses.

Thanks for being an awesome model Julio

The hats are hand knitted by my mom’s friend Judy.

The Healing Horses are handmade by my mom and have been given to our friends affect by cancer.

Raffle tickets are 1 for $5 and 3 for $10, Healing Hats and Horses are $25 each. If you can’t attend and still want in on the raffle you’re in luck! Just let me know which pot you want your raffle tickets to go into (each item will be raffled off individually) and if you win we’ll find a way to get it to you.

And as a special gift for reading this post, here’s an adorable picture of Bo.

Mid howl, so cute.